Latest Research In Ophthalmology And Vision Improvement

Development is characterized as the presentation of something new. Ophthalmology and its sub-claims to fame have been at the bleeding edge of therapeutic development and have grasped the fast advances in different innovations, including pharmacology, imaging, information handling, and gadgets. In spite of the fact that the beginnings of a significant number of these advances started before, this year saw them start to grab hold by ophthalmologists and other eye care experts, with a definitive objective of improving the personal satisfaction for our patients. 8 Key Technical Advances in Ophthalmology are Cataract surgery techniques, Equipment to improve accuracy, New glaucoma shunts, Advances in ocular imaging, Implants for macular degeneration, EMR systems for ophthalmology practices, Premium IOLs, Femtosecond laser for cataract surgery

3-D Retina Organoid Challenge

Translational Research


Regenerating The Optic Nerve

Bionic Eyes

Optical Coherence Tomography

Robot Surgery

Lens Technology

Optical Lens and Processing System